Amy Petre Hill
Assistant Director of Appeals & Eligibility

Amy Petre Hill has lived in Aurora with her spouse and their two dogs for over a decade and has advocated for individuals with disabilities for over twenty years. Her advocacy career began as a San Francisco Public Defenders’ Mental Health Unit attorney intern in 1999. After graduating from the University of California Law School, San Francisco, in 2001, she was hired as the Learning Disability Access Fellow at Disability Rights Advocates, a public-interest law firm based in Oakland, California. After her fellowship, she briefly opened her own law office, providing sliding-scale special education legal assistance. She stepped back from practicing law soon after when she began struggling with several invisible disabilities that impacted her ability to practice law. Like many of CCDC’s clients, it took her time to understand how to accommodate her disabilities in her work and use her experiences to help others. Today, she is still an attorney in good standing with the California Bar Association and is currently studying for the Colorado Bar Exam.
In addition to her legal advocacy, Amy pursued a Master of Divinity degree at Iliff School of Theology, graduating in 2016. Utilizing her listening and advocacy skills, she completed two interfaith behavioral health chaplaincy internships at Fort Logan’s Colorado Mental Health Institute and Porter Adventist Hospital’s general, senior, and intensive outpatient programs. In 2020, Amy served as the LEND Spiritual Care Fellow with JFK Partners, Colorado’s University Center of Excellence on Developmental Disabilities. In 2021, she launched Mental Health & Inclusion Ministries to provide spiritual care, Mental Health First Aid training, and consulting to individuals, families, and organizations.
In 2023, Amy joined CCDC as Assistant Director of Appeals and Eligibility. She represents individuals and families in Medicaid appeals and participates in systematic advocacy to ensure access to Medicaid for individuals with disabilities. Amy serves on Disability Law Colorado’s Protection and Advocacy Mental Health Advisory Council. She also advocates for disability rights as part of environmental justice and is a member of the Colorado Public Utilities Commission’s Equity Advisory Focus Group.